REGIONAL MEDIA REPRESENTATION IN TRAININGS   STUDENT INTERNSHIP BASIC TRAINING  [caption id="attachment_13308" align="alignright" width="300"] The final training in September has been ‘dokuz8NEWS Video Focused Mobile Journalism Training Program’. This session which primarily welcomed dokuz8NEWS’ most active video content curators and selected participants from the internship training program has been designed in preparation to dokuz8TV which will start broadcast in the month of October. The opening session has been led by Dr. Behlül Çalışkan with a workshop, which has been followed by director Soydaner Gündoğdu’s evaluation of the video content from dokuz8NEWS coverage up until this day.  As part of the training session, five news groups have been formed among the participants and mobile news pieces have been curated; which have later been published by dokuz8NEWS. The goal of training session has been set as expanding the scope of mobile video journalism capacity across Turkey and develop mobile journalism notion while strengthening dokuz8TV.  SIX TRAINING SESSIONS AHEAD Following its most intensive training period, dokuz8NEWS prepares to conduct six more sessions until the end of the year in Ankara, Antlaya, Diyarbakır, İzmir, Istanbul focusing on regional networks as well as a data journalism training which has been designed as part of MATRA Project. Apart from the scheduled training sessions, depending on the regional demand, there will also be organized 1,5 day flash sessions in various metropolises across the country. Applications are open throughout the semester with an open call for following training sessions. 

17-20 October Ankara, Central Anatolia Regional Training

27-30 October Antalya, Mediterranean Regional Training

29 November - 2 December İzmir, Aegean Regional Training

19-22 December Istanbul, Marmara Regional Training.