"Kindness Movement" grows in Turkey's capital Ankara

"Kindness Movement" grows in Turkey's capital Ankara
Abone Ol

Ankara Metropolitan Mayor Mansur Yavaş, who started the "Kindness Movement" through the social calls he made, continues to expand. Mayor Yavaş provided monetary aid to many occupational groups from traders who have been experiencing economic difficulties due to the COVID-19 outbreak. This time, he has not forgotten the artists who lost their jobs in this period, has now started both monetary support mechanism and promotional support to musicians and bands.

Mayor Yavaş, focusing on his efforts to make Ankara the capital of culture and arts, implemented a support project that will make musicians and music groups who are unemployed and are facing financially difficult times during the pandemic. The Metropolitan Municipality, which previously purchased 39 plays from ANTİYAP (Ankara Theater Producers Association) member and other theaters are broadcasted on ABB TV. By this way, they will have professional video shootings of their performances and pay in return for these performances. For musicians who want to benefit from the new support program, the application process is initiated via the address 'forms.ankara.bel.tr/muzisyenlere-destek', while the musicians and music groups performing their art in different music genres are given financial support in return for their performances, and professional shooting records of their performances will also be given. Addressing musicians through social media accounts, Mayor Yavaş said, “A nation without art has lost one of its veins of life. We are starting a support program for our musicians who lost income in the pandemic. We have always healed with solidarity, we will continue to be #6MillionOneHeart ”


Mansur Yavaş, Mayor of Ankara, has implemented a project that prioritizes healthy and balanced nutrition of children of needy families living in the capital. Social Services Department, started a new service for families in need, who receive social assistance from the Metropolitan Municipality, will distributed “Başkent Süt” (Capital Milk) free of charge to 0-10 year old children of 10 thousand families in the Sincan district, which was selected as a pilot region in the first place. The Metropolitan Municipality that meets families' milk need bought a total of 6 liters from each local producer of the capital. Metropolitan Municipality, accelerates its efforts to feed a healthy generation while providing support to the economies of both families in need and domestic producers, plans to expand the “Başkent Süt” project in other districts in the upcoming period within the scope of social municipality approach.


Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, Department of Culture and Natural Heritage announced on February 17th, 2021 a project contest named "Place of Thanksgiving and Remembrance for Healthcare Professionals". Metropolitan Municipality aiming to create dispute environment and volunteerism in terms of the use of academic knowledge and facilitation of city councils, will set up a project contest devoted to health employees for the fidelity for the first time in 18 years. With the contest, the gratitude of the society will be expressed for the superhuman devotion health workers will be shown in the process of combating one of the biggest epidemics faced by humanity. The project competition that the Metropolitan Municipality will organize for the first time after 2003, will aim to ensure that the accumulated problems of the capital Ankara are directed by people who are competent in their fields of expertise. “Sıhhiye” region was chosen as the project area. The area where the Sanitation, Former Ministry of Health, Abdi İpekçi and Kurtuluş Parks are located will be transformed into a special area that will remind health workers. The impact area of the project, that will cover joint works from art branches such as landscape design and architecture, will extend from Abdi İpekçi Park to Kurtuluş Park, including a part of Sıhhiye Bazaar Area and Aksu Street.


 Ankara Mayor Mansur Yavaş, aiming to revive historical sites that shed light on the past, carrying the history of the capital to future generations, has pressed the button for two separate projects that will change the face of Ulus and revive tourism in accordance with the historical identity of the district. The Department of Cultural and Natural Heritage is starting the rehabilitation and facade renovation works in Ulus Square and its surroundings, especially Anafartalar Street and the Bazaar, which is one of the symbol points of Ankara. The Metropolitan Municipality, which has taken steps to bring it to the world cultural heritage, also plans to transform the historical place into a center of attraction with the Roman Theater and Archeopark Projects. Mayor Yavaş, who introduced the project to be initiated to the people of the Capital, with his sharing on social media accounts, said, "We are animating the nation in accordance with its historical texture. We will complete the rehabilitation and facade renewal works of these buildings, which are entrusted to the Republic period, and put them into operation again. History of our capital will be a light for the future” he said.


Mayor Mansur Yavaş continues to stand by the artisans of the capital city by making calls for social solidarity during the corona virus epidemic. Providing support to many sector employees during the pandemic, Mayor Yavaş did not forget the florists. Mayor Yavaş, who bought 10 thousand 200 roses from 102 capital florists due to Valentine's Day on February 14th, ensured that they were distributed to healthcare professionals working in the health institutions. Metropolitan Municipality ANFA teams presented red roses to patients and their relatives, especially employees at the entrances of Ankara City Hospital, Dışkapı SSK Hospital, Keçiören Research Hospital, Ankara, Hacettepe and Gazi University Hospitals and Polatlı, Kazan, Kızılcahamam, Beypazarı, Güdül, Ayaş, Haymana, Şereflikoçhisar, Evren, Çubuk, Kalecik and Akyurt district hospitals.

Derya Özkaynak