'End Femicide Platform' launched October Report

We Will Stop Femicide Platform has announced its report on violence against women for October, 2017. According to the report, femicide has increased compared to last year.

'End Femicide Platform' launched October Report
Abone Ol

We Will Stop Femicide Platform has announced its report on violence against women for October, 2017. According to the report, femicide has increased compared to last year. The data reveals that 328 women have been murdered in the year 2016 whereas number of femicide cases have reached up to 339 by October, 2017.

The report announced by 'We Will Stop Femicide Platform' reveals that 40 women have lost their lives due to femicide, while 25 women have been subject to sexual violence and 32 children have been sexually abused in October, 2017. Furthermore, the cities where femicide has been experienced the most are listed as İstanbul with 8 victims, Antalya with 4 victims as well as Aydın, Adana, Gaziantep, Manisa and Yozgat with 2 victims each.


According to the report, 20% of women who have been murdered in October, range between age from 19 to 24, which evinces a decrease in age range of victims and an increase in percentage of victims by 10% compared to the data of last month.


While International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women has been approaching, women who study Public Administration at Nevşehir Hacı Bektaşi Veli University have established a female football team in order to raise awareness on male violence against women. Similarly, in many other universities of İstanbul and Eskişehir, including Bosphorus University, Koç University, İstanbul University, Doğuş University, Anadolu University and Osmangazi University, female students conduct various activities to raise awareness about violence and violation of rights and liberties. The report, on the other hand, shows that 35% of women have been murdered for the reason that they wanted to end their relationship and that they wanted to take decisions independently, whereas 15% have been murdered for economical reasons.


70% of victims have been murdered by their close relatives (partner, father, son, brother etc). Moreover, violence committed with the use of gun is on the rise. The data shows that 40% of victims have been shot dead, whereas 28 percent have been stabbed to death.